April 9th 2021
Rewards are officially shipping!!!!!! All paperbacks have been sent out and hardcovers will be going out as soon as we get our art prints in!! If you have any issues receiving your reward or anything is damaged in shipping, please don't hesitate to email me at, or reach out to me on twitter or instagram.
As for the E-book IT'S OUT NOW! The link was sent out earlier today, so you should receive it shortly! If you don't or you have any trouble downloading the file, please reach out!
ALSO Since the last update, we've also got an official release date of April 20th, 2021! Pre-order has started on Amazon, Kindle, Booksamillion, and Barnes and Noble! You can also check out the Goodreads page for other fun information!
I know this update contains a gazillion exclamation points, but they show only a fraction of how excited I am for all of you to finally receive your copies of The Guardian. Thank you so much for your endless patience, I will never forget it!
Sincerely yours, Erin Lee <3
November 14th 2019
It has officially been a year since the indiegogo for The Guardian went live, and I’m still humbled by how much support you all gave us. I wanted to give you all an update since it's been a while. An update on the book, the status of perks, and, randomly, my mental health.
First things first: Notice that picture down below? IT'S THE EXCLUSIVE POSTER. THE EXCLUSIVE POSTER IS FINISHED AND MY GOD DO I LOVE IT. Toni Infante once again nailed everything I wanted. I hope you all love it, too! (psssttt this is the first time you guys get to see Rae in his human form <3)
Middle things middle: I received notes on my second revision, and, uh, let’s just say there was self-loathing, crying, and determination to make it better. Turns out it doesn’t matter what draft you’re on, criticism is still tough to take. But the positive side? My editor was right. There were many flaws with the second draft that I’m grateful I’m taking the time to fix. All of you supporters and my characters- you all deserve a much stronger book, and I believe I’m capable of writing it. So now I’m on my third revision and prayers to Kuroko, what I believe will be the final. It’s a combination of the best parts of the first two drafts, and I’m so happy with it!
Other things other: I wanted to share another reason for The Guardian’s delay. I believe transparency is incredibly important when it comes to trust. Around the time I received notes on the second draft, I had a major decline in my mental health. I’ve been open about this on my social media over the last few years, but I was diagnosed with bipolar in my early 20s. I’ve got a wonderful support system and a medication combo that keeps me healthy. In July, I had a severe episode that would go on until mid-September when we learned the cause was the birth control I recently started taking. You can read more in depth on my twitter about what happened (trigger warning for suicidal thoughts). I’m doing much, much better now since getting off that medication. But I can’t help but feel like I lost two months of my life. Of my writing. Of my time with the kids and husband.
Final things final: Today, with a mind that’s mine again, I’m 40k words into the new draft with 2,000 words minimum written every day. My goal is to have this draft finished by November 30th and sent to the editor in December.
Again, thank you so much for your kindness, patience, and support. If there are any questions, feel free to send one through the contact form here or on twitter and I'll happilee answer them!
<3 Erin
(I accidentally spelled happily 'happilee' and it's too on brand for me to change it.)
May 7th 2019
Hi everyone!
Happy May! I wanted to send out a follow-up note to the one we posted in January. As I stated before, I decided to do a more detailed rewrite of The Guardian than I had originally planned. I was hoping to have this done before our little boy, L, was born at the end of January. Because of this + the changes to the book, the timeline for the perks being shipped and the release date of the book itself has been delayed.
But the good news! I sent this newest manuscript to my editor on May 6th (AKA YESTERDAY HNNNGGGG). While I really loved my first draft, I’m really excited about this new version and feel the voices are more distinguishable from one another, the world building is stronger, and the pacing is much tighter. I’m super duper happy about it, and I hope all of you are, too, and will find it worth the wait!
Currently while I wait for the editor notes, I’m working on the new timeline for printing and shipping of perks. Please keep an eye out here for that update, and you can also subscribe to the official website:
Thank you all so, so, SO much for your patience and continued support for this crazy endeavor. I can’t wait to share The Guardian with you all!